Tuesday, January 26, 2010

If Video Games Were Named....

College Humor has been surprisingly funny and less fratboy-ish lately. It's surprising actually, I used to have to be a 6 foot tall white guy from a red state to enjoy it but now it regularly features shit that even my sophisticated asocial persona finds appealing.

For example see today's "If videogames were named after the phrases said most while playing them" feature. I have found myself saying that exact phrase when playing Modern Warfare 2 though the one I've said most times (in multiplayer) has to be "oh a grenade launcher? HOW FUCKING ORIGINAL!!!!" and "I'm shooting you in the fucking head! Why WONT YOU DIE!" But I'm sure that's just me.

So go to the link and see a few more. Unfortunately it's literally only a few more, get to work College Humor!


Loser of (Last) Week
-San Diego football fans. Why? WHY!!! do you do this to us every fucking year Chargers? Jesus Christ, so much promise followed up by so much mediocrity. It's sad! the Pats have three SuperBowls, The Colts possibly two, Big Ben has two and we have exactly nothing. Well we have the best team in the league but we have nothing to show for it. I'm almost tempted to refer to our team as the Buffalo Bills of the '00s but the Bills at least went to the SuperBowl.