Friday, November 6, 2009

Stages: Vega

Note: the title should be read as a parody of David Bowie's "Changes" (i.e Staaa aages)

The Spain stage is unique in the Street Fighter series in that it plays an important role in at least one move that Vega can perform. When the masked-clawed one decides to jump against the wall like fucking Spider Man and jump on top of his rival that fence has to be there otherwise it looks like he's just floating in mid air.

This was not a problem in the original SF2 because Vega was not meant to be a playable character but merely one of the final four Shadaloo members. Therefore the possibility of him ever playing in another stage was nonexistent and the developers were free to chain him to that stage as much as they could. In later games, in which he was actually playable, his moves were altered so that he jumps off the edge of the screen and not that fence.

But back to the stage. It seems that the working idea behind its design was to cram as much Spain in it as possible. He's fighting in front of a chained-off restaurant in which patrons are no doubt eating tapas as they enjoy a flamenco dance in front of a bullfighting mural. This is Spain in the late 80's, a fun place to enjoy drinking, eating, entertainment and a good fight. It's in Europe sure but it retains that luster and excitement characteristic of a downtown in a culturally rich third world country. There's socioeconomic commentary for the month.

The music plays a vital role in the selling of this as SPAIN. It appears to be borrowed directly from the intro music used for Don Flamenco in Punch Out. Globalization not being what it is today, knowledge of Spain was limited to flamenco music and tapas, there is no sign of the first world socialist haven that the country would evolve into. But at least its not mired in the civil wars and fascist dictatorships that the country suffered through in the middle of the last century.

As for Vega, well he evolved. Not a lot really, he still appears as an ADD raddled metrosexual in the latest Street Fighter game, but at least he has been consistently portrayed as the most cold blooded member of Shadaloo throughout the anime, manga and games. Unfortunately the same cannot be said with the slap in the face that was his casting in the Chun Li movie.