Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Internet Museum of Awesome

If there's something that is sorely missed now that we have transitioned to the user generated Web 2.0 is the old dedicated sites. Be it on geocities or lycos, be it a site devoted to pictures of a particular celebrity or to Zangief there was a sort of relief from finding out that not only did someone else share your niche obsession but they have also gone through the trouble of collecting pictures, interviews and data all in one place.

But most of these personal sites are now either gone (like the Zangief Shrine which I could not link to above) or have been replaced by celebrity rags, user blogs or social networking sites. It is therefore a true pleasure to discover a site as devoted as the castle of collectibles. This place has a huge amount of posters and other media not only from the old SNK/Neo Geo games but also the current generation.

The gallery might be a dancing baby short of coming straight from the late 90's but the layout is meaningless when compared to the amount of awesome that the website houses. Posters range from the very early, cartoony ones (at the apex of video game kitsch) to some truly magnificent examples (that last one, by the way, one of my favourite ever SNK pics, heres a better look). The great thing is that the guy who runs the site has most of the posters and the pictures posted are of the actual item.

Of course if posters are not your thing there are other sections, including a graph that shows you what games are available for what system and the Vault which houses a ton of old Neo Geo memorabilia, so much in fact that it comes with an old school warning for dial-up users. Yep, this site has so much kitschy goodness and do want that its hard to quantify in a single post, luckily its still there and is actually updated frequently so its a great time waster. I'm adding a links section and this is definitely going on it. It's times like these I wish I had the disposable income to foster my obsessions.

Check it out here
Neo BomberMan's Castle of Collectibles