Monday, October 5, 2009

Viper, Sagat, New Art

Capcom released some more promotional art today for Super Street Fighter IV. In this case its new portraits (official ones) of Sagat and Crimson Viper. Thats a screenshot up there, better quality, full ones can be found at the Street Fighter Blog.

It should be noted that the new game will likely have all new artwork for all the characters done in a style that is a departure from the SFIV "ink" style which not only functioned as official artwork but also played a part in the gameplay in the form of the character's focus attacks. The new artwork doesn't suck but it lacks the kick that the ink style had. They're nice drawings and all but the chalk/pencil thing is inferior to the ink thing. It just is. I'm not saying I wouldn't pay money for an artbook but its not as good as the former is all.

As for these two particular drawings, I do like them. It's hard to characterize Sagat as anything other than a bad ass so any drawing of him will look like we've seen it before. As for Viper, her appearance is too odd and specific to really do anything with it. Long braided red hair, glasses, black outfit, not much room for modification. They gave her the standard Street Fighter thunderthighs, accented her curves and made her usual smirk a bit too subtle.

Also what is going on with those backgrounds? Sagat is breaking some meteors while Viper sits on the side of a futon? I vote we go back to the old solid color backgrounds.