Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Man that is so dumb

"Hands Down" (Warning: Youtube) by Dashboard Confessional has been stuck in my head for the better part of two days now. I'm not exactly sure why a self described emo song would be in there but it is and I have a crazy hankering to play it on Rockband (ha! I just tied it to video games) but the problem is its 180 points and I only have 70. I could add points but I don't want to. What to do. What to do.

In other news that X-Plorer whose customization I analyzed in exhausting detail some months ago has broken. This fucking blows. Now I have four guitars and three of them are broken in some form or another. I'd like to believe I've just played them too much and messed up the gears (I certainly did play that custom til it could take no more) but most likely they're just meant to be break after playing for some time.

The good news is I have a replacement in the form of a GH3 Gibson wireless which is jet black (ok its just black) and to which I have attached the Weezer inspired lightning bolt strap. It actually looks pretty cool. Add to that the three months subscription to Live Gold that I bought for $5 today and I'm a pretty happy camper.

Now if only I could get some better updates on this thing. You must admit though, even if by "you" I mean "me", yesterday's post was the shit.

Oh hey its Paul McCartney