Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Accidental Video Game Porn Archive

This website is why user generated content on the Internet rocks. Fuck, I cant even imagine the days of the AOL walled garden or the days before blogs, myspace, facebook, rss readers and so on.

The accidental video game porn archive is a site that would not have been possible in those days, not only because of the difficulty of starting your own website but also dealing with limited technology that made gathering pictures, videos and so on impossible.

But this is no longer the case and now we are able to take old video games (which this blogger loves, obviously) and meticulously gather all the instances in which pornography accidentaly takes place in them.

The results are amazing, and they are grouped into handy categories depending on what type of pornography is occurring. The owner has also made life easier on us by separating each instance by alphabetical order, all served in a layout that is deliciously reminiscent of geocities.

The archive is huge, it includes situations from old games, new games, games we love, games we dont, games we've reviewed and even some that make this blogger very uncomfortable. Its a fucking cornucopia of awesome.

Check out tons more right here:
The Accidental Video Game Porn Archive