Monday, April 13, 2009

Brett Hull (who?) Hockey

Yet another game that came with my system: Brett Hull Hockey. It was one of three games and I already did an entry on one so I have no idea what I'm gonna do after I talk about Aladdin tomorrow. Yes, Aladdin. But we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Today we're talking about Brett Hull.

From what I can gather Brett Hull was a hockey player who, at the time this game came out played for the St. Louis Blues who are, of course, a hockey team. At the time he was probably a star and got his own video game. The brilliant thing about this game, and the time it came out really, is that professional sports leagues wouldnt just give you their license but that was not a problem, you could make your game anyway. Brett Hull Hockey has the NHLPA license but no NHL. Which means no logos and no team names. But the great thing was that they had the next best thing: city names on bicolor bars. To ease the fact that the NHL has two new york teams the Islanders bar says Long Island. This practice was a staple of unlicenced games. I think Madden even did it one year.

So how does the game play in 2009? surprisingly well. The graphics arent choppy at all, they movement is smooth, Bob Fuckin Costas is the announcer and he speaks like a robot. The only things I'm inclined to bitch about is that the Ice is too short (the field of play) and scoring is a bitch. There is fighting however and after each game you are treated to a metrosexual looking picture of Brett Hull giving you some advice.

That last link is for a picture from the '95 version so I'm inclined to believe its a series. Google results show that at least in one edition they had the NHL license. Unfortunately thats not the edition I have so, sadly, I am not able to call the Whalers a bunch of faggots in the comfort of my living room.

Final analysis? yay hockey!