Sunday, March 14, 2010

Some Randoms

This last week's been pretty bad: sick, work, no access to the SNES. So this has led to a slowing of the updates. There are some news to report:

-Hakan has been officially unveiled for Super Street Fighter IV.
-This weekend was free play for Xbox silver members on Modern Warfare.
-And well actually that's it.

Fortunately I do keep a stash of shit to post for when situations like this come around, namely links to stupid articles that I star on my Google reader. Here are two such articles dealing with video games in real life.

On Buzzfeed.
On Cracked.

Loser of the Week - Photobucket, I like you, I do, you're an integral part of this blog, fuck you're the the fifth Beatle of this blog! but honestly you're not Flickr, you're not Tumblr so please stop trying to be like them. I don't want to catalog and tag my images, at least not with you. So please when I upload something limit yourself to just fucking giving me a link that I can quickly copy and paste. Ok? thanks! bye.